
Virtual hockey

Sense Arena, a virtual-reality platform that claims partnerships with five NHL teams, recently announced that athletes at Boston College and Arizona State University are now also donning…

Virtual id

Valley City State University in North Dakota this week unveiled Viking Mobile ID, a smartphone app students can use to validate their identities anywhere they would normally…

Hello, me? It’s you.

A researcher at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is currently developing an app for science, technology, engineering and math students that uses machine learning to deliver messages that…

Black moms only

A group of students at Pennsylvania State University are developing a mobile app that uses machine learning to support the particular challenge set faced by Black mothers.…

Book this

James Bell, a British man studying at Cleary University in Michigan, recently developed Book!t, an app that helps users find and book local activities. Bell told the…

Lamp for sale

Four University of Mississippi students recently collected $15,000 in cash prizes for developing  the Regulated University Marketplace Internet Exchange, or Rumie. Using Rumie, university students can buy…

Gators pair up

Two University of Florida alumni in January launched a dating app designed for college students. The app, called Jungle, is designed to connect students who are nearby.…

Warning: Class is canceled

Robert Morris University, a private institution in western Pennsylvania, last month announced the availability of a new app that alerts students of nearby threats. The app, called…

COVID-19 detected

Researchers at Princeton University are developing technology that uses smartwatch sensors, a new mobile app and neural networks to predict within minutes whether someone has been infected…

Yalies buddy up

Earlier this month, Yale University undergraduate Evan Lee launched a mobile app, called RideBuddies, that makes it easier for Yalies to share an Uber or Lyft when…