Virginia Tech CIO Scott Midkiff to step down

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University’s long-time chief information officer, Scott Midkiff, is stepping down, the university announced Tuesday.
Midkiff has served as Virginia Tech’s CIO and vice president for information technology since 2012. He’ll return to teaching as a faculty member in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering this fall, the university announced.
“It has been an honor and a privilege to serve Virginia Tech as its CIO and to have had an opportunity to align work in the Division of IT to teaching and learning, research and innovation, and supporting others that support the university’s mission,” Midkiff said in a press release. “I look forward to my return to the faculty and to find new ways to contribute to the university and our students.”
During his tenure as CIO, Midkiff worked to advance the use of technology to support teaching, learning and research through technology, supported high-performance computing and promoted cybersecurity education.
“Virginia Tech’s Division of IT has done important work under Scott’s leadership, including the rapid transition to virtual learning and working environments that made it possible for the university to continue our education, research, and engagement missions during the pandemic,” Virginia Tech President Tim Sands said in a press release. “We appreciate his contributions to the strength and resilience of our IT infrastructure and wish him the very best in his faculty role.”
The university said it’s searching for a replacement and that Midkiff will continue to lead the IT division until the position is filled.