Kajeet announces homework gap solution

For some students, school is the only place they can access the internet.
Children who can’t get connected outside of the classroom often struggle to complete their homework while those with internet access have the tools they need readily available.
Many districts, schools and educators want to bridge this gap for underprivileged students, but they don’t have sufficient funds to do so. Often called the Homework Gap, this disparity affects children who do not have internet access at home. With so much of schoolwork requiring online resources, students who are not connected at home are at a disadvantage.
Kajeet, a company that provides broadband and connected mobile devices for children, has come up with a solution – HomeworkGapFunding.com.
The site is free and features more than 100 grants created to help close the homework gap. Users can search for funding by state. Funds range from federal government grants to those from smaller sources. Kajeet officials plan to add more resources to the site as they become available.
Reach the reporter at darlene.aderoju@edscoop.com and follow her on Twitter @buuukky and @edscoop_news.