Nevada launches online reporting system to address bullying

The state of Nevada is taking steps to prevent and combat bullying through the launch of a new website where students and parents can report incidents and access anti-bullying resources.
The Bully Free Zone was developed by the Office of Safe and Respectful Learning — a division of the Nevada Department of Education that is responsible for protecting students from harmful behavior and unsafe situations.
According to the National Education Association, approximately one in four students have been taunted or physically beaten in school, and about one in 10 students eventually drops out of school as a result of repeated bullying.
To report both bullying or cyberbullying, students and their families simply fill out a form on the new site, and a school official will promptly begin to investigate the situation.
The Office of Safe and Respectful Learning hopes to continue this anti-bullying initiative by developing an app for the Bully Free Zone, which is expected to launch next year.
The Bully Free Zone is the latest example of the state’s efforts to use digital technology to enhance student outcomes. The Nevada legislature has also funded a statewide one-to-one program, which is still in its early stages but has already shown positive results.